Join us as we navigate through nap challenges and we discuss topics such as:
- Motion Naps
- Nap Transitions
- Contact Naps
- Short Naps
- Rhythm and Naps
This is a hot topic in my practice that tends to be the frustration for most parents, but what if it doesn’t have to be?
Join us and have all of your napping questions addressed!
Can’t attend the live event? No Problem you will have the recording sent to you to review for up to two weeks after the webinar.

Join us in our course where we dive in deep to discuss all things sleep in the first year of life:
In this course, you will get experience from TWO Sleep & Well-Being Specialists
You will get 20% off working 1-1 with a coach after taking the course if you decide to seek additional support
You will hear from 3 other professionals such as a IBCLC, a Naturopathic Doctor and an Occupational Therapist as we get to the root causes of sleep
There are 27 videos with over 17 handouts included in the course.
You will have lifetime access to the course!
We will tackle topics such as;
- Routines Rhythms
- Temperament & Sleep
- Sleep Environment
- Common Sleep Challenges
- Normal infant Sleep
- Get to the root cause of Interrupted sleep
- Going Back To Work
- All About Naps
- And so much more…
Moving Out Of The Family Bed Or Bassinet Into A Crib Or Sleep Space
Join us to discuss how we can move out of the sleep space you are currently in and how to navigate this transtion as smoothly as possible. We will discuss tips to consider, and how we can navigate through your transition. You will also receive a handout for you to review when you are ready.
We are so excited for you to join us!
Can’t Attend the Webinar? NO problem!
You can request a recording of the webinar!

Common Sleep Challenges
You may have missed the webinar but you can still have access to the recording!
Do you have sleep challenges in your home that you could use some support with?
Early rises, False Starts, or split nights. Want to learn more? Get your recording now as you learn from others who are also experiencing some sleep challenges or if you would like more information on how to navigate through it all!
Click the link to get an email of the recording
Support While Heading Back To Work
Are you heading back to work and could use some support as you make the transition without the use of any sleep training? Going back to work after being on maternity leave can be challenging and anxiety-provoking. In this course, we will navigate through this transition while meeting your child’s unique needs, while also ensuring that you feel at ease. We can address common challenges that occur when returning, sleep expectations, and we will leave you with tips along the way! This course channels into who your child is in regards to what they need from their daycare provider, it allows us to feel confident moving forward and prepared for the transition. We don’t have to change anything that is working for you! We STILL don’t need to sleep train!

What is included?
- Access to course for 90 days
- Access to all handouts and videos
- 50.00 hourly call offered after purchase of course
- Tips throughout each topic to consider
- Email Support if needed
- 10% off of any support package after purchase
Some Topics
- Choosing a daycare
- Sleep expectations
- Intro to daycare
- Staying Connected When Apart
- Separation Anxieties
- What to consider when transitioning
- Routines and Patterns
- Sleep Environment
- Breastfeeding goals
- And MORE!
Is this for me?
- Are you returning to work shortly?
- Have you started daycare already?
- Are you wondering how to maintain your relationship while attending work
- Are you interested in how to deal with sleep disruptions?
- Do you need some support with this transition?
- Are you needing support choosing a daycare

The Nap Struggle Is Real!
Let Heartfelt Slumber give you the tricks and tips to get through the challenging nap times. In this self-paced resource, we will learn how to troubleshoot through nap transitions, and sleep progressions. We will address common nap concerns, and some strategies to overcome some fears about our child’s day sleep. Naps are tricky they require sleep pressure, and it depends on who your child is and how your child will respond to adjustments or changes you are trying to make.
At Heartfelt Slumber, we understand all of the frustration that goes along with naps and how challenging they can be. We also know that having realistic expectations of sleep will help support us. This course gives you the information you need to feel confident about your child’s sleep, what is considered normal and how we can make changes if that is what we are interested in doing!
What is included?
- Unlimited access to course and information
- Handouts, and PDF’s
- Email support if needed
- 50.00 rate for an hourly call after the purchase of a course
- 10% Discount on any package
Some Topics
- Nap transitions
- Sleep progressions
- Sleep environment transition
- Addressing sleep concerns that parents have
- Shifting patterns
- Sleep expectations
- Motion Naps
- Short naps
Is this for me?
- Do you need some nap support?
- Are you wondering how to support naps?
- Do you have a baby or toddler and would like more information?
- Are you working through a nap transition?
- Do you need support through a progression?